
We are a missionary family living in Nyankunde, a small village on the Eastern side of the Democratic Republic of Congo. My husband is a bush pilot and I run our home. We love living the homesteading lifestyle and would choose to do so, no matter where in the world we live; we just happen to be homesteading in Congo where our ministry is.

Homesteading and life in general everywhere has it’s challenges, but many of the challenges we come across in our homesteading journey are a little bit different simply because we are here in Congo. Different continent, different culture, different language and locally a different way of doing things than we are used to. How do you mix cultures while homesteading?

Our homestead is in progress. Join us on our journey as we expand our place, acquire animals, begin and complete projects and give you a glimpse into everyday life here in Congo. It’s hard work, but we love it.


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